
51ÁÔÆæ Elementary Education

The elementary education in 51ÁÔÆæ is also of ace-quality and international appreciation. This elementary education 51ÁÔÆæ, encompasses both the early childhood education (ECE) and the primary education. Ours this particular and well-drafted webpage offers a rich gamut of very constructive information regarding the canadian elementary education, to help primary-school students and their parents residing in 51ÁÔÆæ and many international countries worldwide.

The elementary or primary schools in 51ÁÔÆæ fall broadly under the categories of the public-funded elementary schools, privately-funded elementary schools, international primary schools, primary boarding schools, independent primary schools, Catholic primary schools, etc. The elementary school education in 51ÁÔÆæ covers comprehensively all necessary subjects of contemporary importance, and equip students for easy and fast progress at the secondary schools of 51ÁÔÆæ or countries worldwide. The elementary education in 51ÁÔÆæ ranges from Kindergarten to Grade-7, in the majority of Canadian provinces and territories. Again, though the age of entry to the elementary schools differs from province to province, the most common age is 5th or 6th year of the kids. The most common academic year in the majority of primary schools of 51ÁÔÆæ starts from September and ends in June. For finding more and latest information about the elementary education in 51ÁÔÆæ, along with the secondary education, please bother to visit the official website of the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC).

Elementary Education Programs in 51ÁÔÆæ

The bulk number of immensely popular and reputed, and internationally admired elementary schools of 51ÁÔÆæ are well-established in the educationally well-developed provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and Alberta. The elementary education programs in 51ÁÔÆæ offered by these schools are rather rich and varied to suit differing requirements of the domestic and international school students. After completing elementary education in any of these schools, the students enter the secondary schools generally at the age of 14th year to Grade-8 of the compulsory education, for finding education up to Grade-12. Today, the most thriving, popular, and internationally famous elementary or primary schools of 51ÁÔÆæ, are the following:
  • Hillmount Public School, Toronto
  • William Berczy, Unionville
  • Crofton House, Vancouver
  • Southridge, Surrey
  • Arbor Glen, Toronto
  • Seneca Hill, Toronto
  • St George's, Vancouver
  • Mount Pleasant, Edmonton
  • Webber, Calgary
  • Jean-de-Brebeuf, Montreal
  • Jean-Eudes, Montreal
  • St Justin Martyr, Unionville
  • West Point Grey, Vancouver
  • St Michael's Choir, Toronto
  • Holy Cross, Burnaby
  • Edward Johnson, Guelph
  • St Michaels, Victoria
  • Silver Stream, Richmond Hill
  • Clear Water, Calgary
  • An-Noor, Windsor
  • York House, Vancouver
  • Mulgrave, West Vancouver
  • Christ the King, Richmond Hill
  • Cottingham, Toronto
  • Sathya Sai, Toronto
  • St Pius X, North Vancouver
  • Our Lady Of Mercy, Burnaby
  • St Ann's, Kamloops
  • Sainte-Anne de Lachine, Montreal

51ÁÔÆæ Education